Sunday, August 1, 2010

Welcome to Shenanigans Hockey

Hello all and welcome to Shenanigan Hockey. 

I have had a blog before and I decided the way it was going did not truly represent everything that makes up my hockey experiences.   Hockey to me has always been an extended family.  I love meeting new people and making more new hockey friends.  There is always a bit of mischief that tends to go on.  I hope to capture that spirit here.  I do not know that it is a thing that can be captured. 

At any rate, I hope to have fun and I hope that all who read this have fun as well.

Things you should expect to see mentioned in the future on this blog:
                           The Philadelphia Flyers
                           The Adirondack Phantoms
                           The Calgary Flames
                           The Abbotsford Heat
                           The London Knights
                            Mike Cammalleri
                            Danny Syvret

    Why would you see such mentions.  Well these are my favorite teams and favorite players.  I would be amiss in my hockey adventures not to mention them. 

Welcome and I hope you enjoy the adventure. 


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